Deutsch Intern
  • Sign Mathematik West
Numerical Mathematics and Optimization

Opening hours Departmental Library for Mathematics


For literature supply, the Departmental Library is open on a limited basis for lending of media and for the use of learning workplaces Mon - Fri 12:30 - 16:00.

From 21.06.2021 the library offers 49 learning workplaces which could be reserved. You can reserve one learning workplace per day (Mon - Fri) for the 12:30 - 16:00 time slot. The booking is activated on Fridays at 9 a.m. for all days of the coming week. Use is limited to one person per learning workplace. You also have to wear an FFP2 mask at the workplaces reserved online in advance for the entire duration of your stay.

All information at the website of Departmental Library for Mathematics:
