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Institut für Mathematik

Research in Groups

In addition to a variety of lectures and seminars on different topics the master's programme offers numerous advanced courses called "Research in Groups" (RIGs). RIGs are based on a research-oriented teaching format consisting of

  • introductory lectures,
  • seminar-style student presentations,
  • informal and lively discussions, and
  • individual mentoring of students.

RIGs provide an efficient and stimulating platform for our students for

  • learning about the current status of research, and
  • conducting their first own research activities.

The topics of the RIG-courses vary from semester to semester in order to take account of newest developments at international level. RIGs typically focus on advanced topics of current research interest and provide a solid basis for master theses in mathematics. See the Online course catalog for the list of RIG-courses of the current and the forthcoming semester.