Deutsch Intern
  • Universität Würzburg / Fakultät Mathematik: Dokumentation Lehre
  • Universität Würzburg / Fakultät Mathematik: Dokumentation Lehre
Dynamics and Control


Current Courses: Summer Semester 2025

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

Stability Theory
3 h, Tue 12-13 and Fri 8-10 both S0.102  (Library & Seminar Centre)

Exercise to Stability Theory
1 h, Tue 13-14 S0.102 (Library & Seminar Centre)


Dozent: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

Discrete Dynamics (Bachelor Seminar )
2 h, Thu 12-14 S0.102  (Library & Seminar Centre)

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

Working Group Operator Algebras
4 h, Tue 16-18 SE 40 and Wed 10-12 S0.101 (Library & Seminar Centre)

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

Introduction to Geometric Analysis
4 h, Mon 16-18 S0.103  (Library & Seminar Centre) and Thu 8-10 HS 4 (Science lecture theatre building)

Exercise to Introduction to Geometric Analysis
2 h, Fri 12-14 S0.102 (Library & Seminar Centre)

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

Linear Algebra I
4 h, Tue 8-10 Zuse-HS (Computer Science) and Fri 10-12 S0.108 (Pabel-HS, Library & Seminar Centre)

Exercise to Linear Algebra I
2 St., Do 10-12 S0.101 (Library & Seminar Centre)

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

Research Seminar Dynamical Systems and Control Theory (2 h)
Fri 14-16 Mathematik Ost, 40.01.003

Former Courses

  • Introduction to Ordinary differential equations (with seminar and exercise)

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

  • Algebra und dynamics of quantum systems (with exercise)

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Specialization in mathematics (Realschule, with exercise)

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Seminar Analysis

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Working Group Dynamic Systems and Control Theory

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Introduction to discrete Mathematics

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Groups and their representations

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Control Theory

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Ordinary differential equations  

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

  • Advanced Seminar Dynamic Systems and Control Theory

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

  • Linear Algebra 2

Lecturer: Prof. Sergey Dashkovskiy

  • Introduction to Geometric Analysis

Lecturer:  Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Seminar Analysis

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Control theory

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Advanced Seminar Dynamic Systems and Control Theory

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

  • Linear Algebra 1 

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

  • Analysis 2

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Ordinary differential equations  

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Advanced Seminar Dynamic Systems and Control Theory

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

  • Analysis 1

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Introduction to differential geometry

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Seminar Ordinary Differential Equations

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

  • Selected topics in control theory

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

  • Seminar Completely positive maps and the dynamics of open quantum systems

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Oberseminar Dynamische Systeme und Kontrolltheorie

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

  • Ordinary differential equations

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

  • Specialisation in mathematics

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Algebra and Dynamics of Quantum Systems

Lecturer:  Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Control Theory 

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

  • Seminar in Dynamical Systems and Control

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

  • Analysis 1

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Einführung in die Geometrische Analysis

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Selected Topics in Control Theory

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

  • Seminar Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

  • Seminar Dynamics of Quantum Systems

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Seminar in Dynamical Systems and Control

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

  • Algebra and Dynamics of Quantum Systems 

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Vertiefung Mathematik

Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Seminar Control Theory

Lecturer:  Dr. Gunther Dirr

  • Seminar in Dynamical Systems and Control

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy

  • Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen

  • Control Theory (Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr)

  • Bachelor-Seminar Lineare Algebra

  • Seminar in Dynamical Systems and Control