Deutsch Intern

Degree Course Description

Key data UkrMath

  • Professional qualification: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
  • Language qualification: Language level C1, proven by DSH2 language exam
  • Expected duration of studies: Depending on German language skills 7-8 semesters, 3-4 semesters in program studies with courses in Ukrainian and 4 semesters in Bachelor studies with courses in German.
  • Maximum duration of studies: Maximum 4 semesters in the program studies (in exceptional cases, 2 semesters as a guest student and then two semesters in the programme studies), maximum 8 semesters in the bachelor studies (taking into account the bachelor modules acquired in the program studies).

Comparison with the regular Bachelor's degree program in Mathematics

UkrMath as a whole leads completely to a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at JMU Würzburg. The only difference to the regular Bachelor's degree program is that in the first course phase the language skills necessary for matriculation into the Bachelor's degree program are acquired. At the same time, the mathematics modules provided for in the Bachelor's degree program in the first year of study will be completed in this phase.

Student status

You are usually enrolled in the first phase of UkrMath in program studies or module studies. This is a regular student status, but not in a degree-oriented programme. Therefore, you are not entitled to BAFöG during this phase, but you can apply for basic support according to SGB II. In certain special cases, participation in the first year of the first phase is only possible as a guest student, although certain requirements must be met. This is not a regular student status but only a minimum basis for being able to participate in the programme, at least to a limited extent, and then to be admitted to the programme studies in the second year of the first phase. In the second phase of UkrMath, you are regularly enrolled in the Bachelor's programme and can also apply for BAFöG funding in particular. With regular student status (programme studies, module studies, Bachelor studies), you can also apply for a place in a student residence, but unfortunately not as a guest student.

Informationen on the Bachelor's degree program in Mathematics

  • Description of the dgree programm in German and English with accreditation data
  • Module Catalogue in German and English