Deutsch Intern
  • Bild aller Teilnehmer der Fallschool 2018
Mathematical Fluid Mechanics


Find all the seminars of our group here

Oberseminar Mathematical Fluid Dynamics (Zoom)

Nonuniqueness of generalised weak solutions to the primitive and Prandtl equations

12/07/2023, 12:30 PM
Category: Veranstaltung
Location: Raum 40.03.003 (Emil Fischer Str. 40)
Speaker: Daniel Boutros

Oberseminar Mathematical Fluid Dynamics

A new convex integration approach for the compressible Euler equations and failure of the local maximal dissipation criterion

11/09/2023, 12:30 PM
Category: Veranstaltung
Location: Raum 40.03.003 (Emil Fischer Str. 40)
Speaker: Simon Markfelder

Oberseminar Mathematical Fluid Dynamics (Zoom)

Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for diffusive - viscous wave equations

11/02/2023, 12:30 PM
Category: Veranstaltung
Location: Raum 40.03.003 (Emil Fischer Str. 40)
Speaker: Dan Ling

Oberseminar Mathematical Fluid Dynamics

Implicit Active Flux methods for linear advection

10/26/2023, 12:30 PM
Category: Veranstaltung
Location: Raum 40.03.003 (Emil Fischer Str. 40)
Speaker: Wasilij Barsukow

Oberseminar Mathematical Fluid Dynamics

The Geometry of Adversarial Machine Learning

10/19/2023, 12:30 PM
Category: Veranstaltung
Location: Raum 40.03.003 (Emil Fischer Str. 40)
Speaker: Leon Bungert

Oberseminar Mathematical Fluid Dynamics

High-Order Accurate Entropy Stable Adaptive Moving Mesh Methods

10/12/2023, 1:00 PM
Category: Veranstaltung
Location: Raum 40.03.003 (Emil Fischer Str. 40)
Speaker: Jun-Ming Duan

Oberseminar Mathematical Fluid Dynamics

A new variable shape parameter strategy for radial basis function approximation using neural networks

06/13/2023, 2:15 PM
Category: Veranstaltung
Location: Raum 40.03.003 (Emil Fischer Str. 40)
Speaker: Maria Han-Veiga

Oberseminar Mathematical Fluid Dynamics

Structure-preserving finite-element schemes for the Euler-Poisson equations

05/25/2023, 12:30 PM
Category: Veranstaltung
Location: Raum 40.03.003 (Emil Fischer Str. 40)
Speaker: Matthias Maier