ROENOBIO Workshop 2017
06/02/2017on 2 June 2017 at the Welz-Haus in Würzburg: Robust energy optimisation in fermentation processes in the production of biogas and wine
In 2013, the project "Roenobio - Robust energy optimisation in fermentation processes in the production of biogas and wine" was launched with funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
In this project, mathematicians from the universities of Geisenheim, Würzburg and Trier wanted to jointly develop models and methods that would, among other things, serve to better understand and control the process of wine fermentation and biogas production. With the help of new findings and the support of several representatives from industry and agriculture, the aim of the project is to optimise the quality of wine and the additional technological effort involved and, in the case of biogas, to increase the gas yield. This project was therefore part of the climate/energy requirement area of the German government's high-tech strategy.
After 3 years of regular operation and one year extension, the project will be concluded with this workshop, in which all achieved goals and the resulting future perspectives will be presented.