- 2019-2022: LEED-Lehr-Lern-Labore: enactive-experimental-digital, funded by Dt. Telekom Foundation
- 2019-2020: 21st Century Skills - Mathematical Modeling - Reality Reference for and in Mathematics Education, funded by the Virtual University of Bavaria
- 2018-2020: School of Mathematics under didactical aspects: Stochastics (Sec. 2), funded by the Virtual University of Bavaria
- 2016-2021: Elite Program MINT-Lehramt PLUS, funded by the elite network Bavaria
- 2016-2019: Modular school practice integration as a starting point for individual competence development, quality offensive teacher training at the University of Koblenz-Landau funded by the BMBF, grant number: 01JA1605 (until 2017 management, with change to Würzburg still involved with three sub-projects and one focus)
- 2012-2019: standardized competence-oriented written matriculation examination for mathematics AHS, funded by the BMBWF (Austria)
- BayFrance
- Optes
- CASIO - MaLeNe
Finished projects

- BMBF project MaDiN (Mathematical didactics in Netz)
- Digital aids in proof learning (Danh Nam Nguyen)
- Texas Instruments The Pocket Computer in the MU (Ewald Bichler)
- Mathematics and flexible thinking (Jürgen Roth)
- Discrete Mathematics (Andreas Schuster)
- WüPro Internet
- "Mathematics arund the eggs"
- VW-Projekt
- DMUW-Wiki