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Institute of Mathematics

Quality goals in study and teaching

Based on the general ambition of the University of Würzburg, the Institute of Mathematics has defined its own quality objectives, whose achievement is regularly evaluated.

The Department of Mathematics is committed to the following principles and measures in the field of teaching:

  • The transition from school to university is actively supported by a variety of suitable measures. This includes, in particular, the involvement of students in the university before the beginning of their studies (eg in early studies, student project days or lectures by lecturers of the Institute of Mathematics in schools), pre- and bridging courses at the beginning of the study, a propaedeutic during the 1 Semesters and additional tutorials at baseline.
  • The students receive continuous feedback on their level of performance. This is done, for example, by correcting weekly exercises to be solved, exercises supervised by assistants or students of higher semesters, and finally by ungraded exams at the end of the semester.
  • The institute is very concerned about a good relationship between teachers and students. Students are generally involved in decisions at all institutional levels (working groups, study commission, faculty council) that affect teaching.
  • The institute supports independent students and student councils.
  • In class, lecturers orientate their lesson in relation to the knowledge of students, they try to motivate students themselves, as well as they promote enthusiasm for the subject. In addition, lecturers are eager to constructively deal with occurring problems, difficulties and challenges of students.
  • The Institute is committed to equality and equal opportunities.
  • Internationalization plays a central role for the institute. This is first due to international aspect of mathematical research. The institute also aims to attract in Würzburg international lecturers and students. For that reason, the institute promote international colloquium and an international Master's program. Furthermore, the institute provide courses in English.
  • The institute practices comprehensive quality management in education and teaching. In particular, courses are regularly evaluated by surveys of students and alumni. Lecturers take into account these results (e.g. in the context of the annual lecture day) in order to improve the quality of their courses.
  • In the teaching degree program, the institute is required to provide specific courses to students. For example, special subject-specific and mathematics-didactic courses are offered to students at elementary, middle, intermediate and high schools.
  • The institute is equally committed to theoretical science and applied-oriented education. This commitment concerns both the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs, as well as the teaching degree program. The theory-application interaction is promoted in particular by various internships of specialization.
  • The institute recognize a particular importance to adequate preparation for module and final examinations. Thus, the teaching degree program offer preparatory tutorials for the state examination.
  • The institute consider research and teaching as one single unit.