
Info Book of Mathematics in Würzburg
60 pages that hopefully will not leave any questions open about mathematics. You can order the info booklet of Mathematics in Würzburg online by using the form below or by contacting us at the Academic Counseling.
- General information about mathematics
- Welcome
- Why Mathematics?
- I have always been bad at math
- To study mathematics
- Higher Mathematics
- Institute / Chairs / Subjects
- Geometry
- Algebra
- Number Theory
- Nonlinear Analysis
- Function Theory
- Mathematical Physics
- Dynamical Systems and Control Theory
- Mathematics in the Sciences
- Modelling, Partial Differential Equations
- Applied Analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Numerical Mathematics, Optimization
- Scientific computing
- Didatics of Mathematics and Didatics of Computer Science
- Statistics
- Financial and actuarial mathematics
- Optimal Control
- Studying and working
- General information about the study of mathematics
- The Bachelor-Master-System: General and Special for Mathematics
- Overview study courses
- Bachelor degree program Mathematics
- Degree in Business Mathematics
- Master's Degree Programs Mathematics
- Teaching Courses Mathematics
- Offers for students
- Promotion of gifted and mathematics-interested students
- Studying abroad
- Promotion and internationality
- Job prospects
- That has brought us the study - graduate (s) reports
- Start of study - Everything at a glance
- Tips for studying
- What else to say ...
- University of Würzburg
- City and campus plan
- Chairs, professorships and staff at the institute
- Institute management and administration
- Imprint and picture credits
Degree program flyer
The six degree program flyers
- Mathematics (Bachelor, Master)
- Mathematical Data Science (Bachelor, Master)
- Computational Mathematics (Bachelor, Master)
- Mathematical Physics (Bachelor, Master)
- Financial Mathematics (Bachleor, Master)
- Teaching Mathematics at high schools
- Teaching Mathematics at secondary and primary schools
as well as the overview flyer
provide information about the peculiarities of the individual courses of study, show a schematic course plan and take note of the peculiarities of the study of mathematics in Würzburg.