Giovanni Prodi Visiting Professorship Summer Semester 2022

Thomas Weigel (Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni, University of Milano-Bicocca) is working in Group theory and Lie theory with special emphasis on their cohomology and representation theory.
His main interest are currently the theory of profinite groups and its interactions with Galois theory, geometrical and combinatorial group theory, as well as the study of Lie algebras satisfying Koszulity.
He has published around 45 papers in these fields, and has been an invited speaker at many conferences and workshops devoted to these subjects.
Thomas Weigel received his PhD in Mathematics in 1989 and the habilitation in 1994 from the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. After a short period on a temporary professorship he started a Heisenberg fellowship (DFG) in 1997 visiting the Queen Mary and Westfield College London, the Mathematical Institute Oxford, and the Department of Mathematics Cambridge. In 2002 he continued his career as assistent professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca, where he was appointed full professor in 2011.
During the summer term 2022, Prof. Weigel will give a course on “Geometric Group Theory” (with exercises). (See